Juigalpa is a town of 70,000 people in central Nicaragua.
It is the capital of the department Chontales. This region is a
livestock area, "where the rivers are of milk and the stones
of cuajada" as is said. Cuajada is a product that looks like
cheese, but is a bit softer.
There are three theories about the origin of the name Juigalpa:
an Aztec descent: "big city", a word acquired from Mexico
meaning "in the nursery of the black
snails", or another Mexican heritage meaning "place with an
abundant number of jícaros". There is a snail
in the city's coat of arms. A jícaro is a vegetable, for example
added to a range of local soup variations, providing a delicious flavor.
The landscape is mountainous and beautiful. Juigalpa lies at an altitude of
more than one hundred meters, and has a beautiful view upon the mountains of the
"Cordillera Amerrisque".
With all the nearby farms, cows, cowboys and the many horse riders,
the region has sometimes an atmosphere like in a Western.
The center consists of course of a Central Park, in front of a
modern cathedral, with a bandstand, swings, seesaws and a shoe shine place.
From the center a square street pattern extends itself
to "Palo Solo" in the west, with its magnificent view,
San Antonio in the south, and Sanctuario in the east.
Juigalpa houses one of the most important museums of Nicaragua (the "Gregorio
Aguilar Barea" museum), with many statues and Indian art from before the time of
Columbus, or even before the year zero. It also has a zoo
("Thomas Belt").
There is not much tourism in Juigalpa. The nature in the area is
wonderful, but it's not really safe anymore to just walk around.
There is a lovely swimming spot in the river Mayales near
a waterfall, four kilometers from Juigalpa. Nowadays there are also
two swimming pools, complete with music and waiters, a few kilometers
A possible nice trip is a visit to Puerto Díaz
at five and twenty kilometers away, a fisherman's village on the edge
of Lake Cocibolca.
The feast of the Patron Saints is from August 11 to 17,
with a fair and bullfights. These are somewhat bull-friendly, because the bulls
are not slain. For the tough young men who participate they are dangerous
however, because unfortunately they are sometimes the real victims.
Unfortunately, nowadays during these events, violent raids on persons
are rather frequent.
Juigalpa is not a problem-free city. The main problems are:
- Lack of money
- Vanishing forests
- Growing population
- Worrying political developments, undermining democracy and an
endanger of the freedom of expression in future
The good news: "Lack of water" is not in this list any more since 2010,
after the execution of a big project with the aid of a loan from South Korea
in 2005!
Tamanes is a source formed by the tears of an Indian
girl when she was cruelly abandoned by her Spanish boyfriend,
long ago when these magical things were still possible.
Her grief was so great that still the one who drinks water
from this source will remain forever in Juigalpa.
Confusingly, Tamanes Software is not located in the
district Tamanes, which also exists.